While not particularly fancy, the insane garlic ground turkey is a crowd pleaser.

Ground Turkey

  1. Chop several onions into slices.
  2. In a large pan heat olive oil in a saucepan over high heat
  3. Cook onions on high heat until they are almost caramelized. (10 minutes)
  4. Reduce heat to medium.
  5. Add ground turkey making sure to stir meat to ensure adequate turkey / onion mixture.
  6. Cover and let turkey cook for 8 minutes.
  7. Mix taco seasoning using one cup of water for each packet of seasoning
  8. Add several cloves or garlic to pan. When in doubt with garlic always err on the side of too much.
  9. Cook uncovered until taco seasoning is reduced.
  10. Warn guests of impending garlic.

Total cooking time: 30-40 minutes